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The Handsome Idiot

If ever there were a cat who was more charming than Duckhollow, than it would certainly spell the end of days. Duckhollow is certainly one who is very charismatic and can make the ladies swoon with a single wink or a sultry look. He also has an uncanny ability to be sassy even at the most unexpected of times. Duckhollow is a lively and bold cat and his mannerisms and way of speaking certainly reflect that.

He's passionate about all things close to him. Vibrant sunsets and nature are two things he is absolutely entranced by and could go on for hours and hours about them without taking a break to catch his breath. He is also a hopeless romantic and will constantly envision scenarios in which he is living happily with a mate, and he is ardent when speaking of these thoughts.

Duckhollow does, however, have a constant melancholic air about him, which he generally uses his charismatic side to cover up. When he's not romanticizing about the future or speaking about nature and its wonders, he's both thinking and speaking about the upsetting parts of the world he lives in, such as war and hunger and death. He believes the world would be a better place without these things and more yet cannot move past the fact that he can't do anything about it and will never be able to, and that depresses him.

He's a very laid back fellow, despite all of this. He tries not to care about much, and in doing so ends up being ignorant and generally uneducated about a lot of subjects. He makes odd decisions that land him in trouble often and has been labeled as WindClan's resident handsome idiot.


  • Hates violence, even though he understand its necessity

  • Has an incredible knack for reading others' body movements and expressions and guessing whats going on with a cat without fully knowing

  • Very athletic; able to do all sorts of flips starting from a standing point and likes to use this to impress the ladies

  • Enjoys wandering aimlessly and getting lost in the embrace of nature

  • Goes out of his way to appease and support everyone and be very selfless but in reality it's just an underlying need to feel accepted and needed by others

Duckhollow: Bio
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Duckkit, Duckpaw

Age: 33 moons

Gender: Cis-male, he/him

Orientation: Questioning

Creation Date: June 1, 2020


Phobias: N/A


Born in WindClan

StarClan and the Dark Forest exist but have no impact on the waking world, ie. medicine cats can't receive waking visions


Voice: Daniel Radcliffe

Scent: dried out heather

Duckhollow: Bio




Duckhollow: Text




Duckhollow: Text




Duckhollow: Text


Conan Grey - Cavetown Cover


Item Subtitle

Duckhollow: List

Images © Dr. Mirjam Kessler

Duckhollow: Text

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