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The Passionate Protector

Bearstrike holds peace in the highest of regards. Despite his massive size and incredible fighting skill - or, perhaps, in spit of it - he would rather avoid violence and murder at all costs... even if it means turning close friends in to ensure their safety.
Bearstrike is no traitor; in fact, he's probably the furthest from that label. He's loyal and hardy, through and through, and he won't let you forget it. He's not one for long speeches or public speaking, but he'll go off when necessary, and when he does, one should hope they're not on the receiving side of his words.

He's straightforward and blunt. Doesn't sugarcoat what he wants to say, because what's the point in giving cats false emotions? It builds ego and lowers awareness, he thinks. He doesn't mind being told what's up, either. He'd rather know what's being done wrong than continue to do it that way.

Bearstrike is systematic. He loves structure and order and would fight tooth and nail to keep everything controlled in the right way. Chaos means that things will unravel and fall apart as fast as they've been built up, and to Bearstrike, that's simply unacceptable.

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