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last updated: 09/17/2024


Recently Born
Male - He/Him Pronouns
ShadowClan Kit

The silent and stoic type, Grottokit rarely is one to speak first unless with family. It's not that he doesn't have anything to say; it's just that he would rather observe those around him than engage when he doesn't feel it's a good time. He talks when he likes, not when he's expected to.


Grottokit also never tells a lie and sticks strictly to his word. Promises are promises, and what he says is what he'll do... but this doesn't mean he won't twist his words around. They say the quiet ones are the ones you have to watch out for, and this is definitely the case for Grotto. He'll make someone promise to tear off their own limb and beat themselves with it without a single stutter if they're not careful.


He also has a taste for the macabre, and his nest is constantly scattered with prey bones or pelts. He keeps a stash of bigger bones outside of camp.

grottokit ref.png


Son of Dawnstar and Slytiger

Brother to Weepingkit, Houndkit, Emberkit, Foxkit, Hemlockkit, Scorpionkit, Adderkit, Rowankit, Burningkit, Breezekit, Snakekit, Venomkit

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