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Shockhoney || Daughter || ThunderClan

"She had potential. She could have been the one. But then she went and discarded the mark that I gave her, and on top of that has been conversing with that insect behind my back! It must be the RiverClan blood that has tainted all of my children. I need replacements."


Cedarstrike || Clanmate || ThunderClan

"She is capable. Far more enjoyable company than most, too. It's almost a shame she's so pliable. But I suppose it works out in my favor."


Risingstorm || Clanmate || ThunderClan

"Insolent little brat. It's a wonder he's survived this long."


Wolfhive || Estranged Son || ThunderClan

"That fox should have killed him. I don't understand how he is alive and excelling. He would be a stain on my reputation if anything were to get out and I want him gone."

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